==========Credit========== No copyright infringement intended and I DO NOT OWN THIS. The ownership and copyright of this video belong to Smosh and this video is just a TRANSLATED version, which is JUST for sharing. 無意侵犯版權,影片非我所有。 影片所有權及版權皆為 Smosh 所有,此影片為純翻譯版本,只用於分享,不作他用。 ↓Original video 原影片網址↓ ****** ↓BLOOPERS & MORE! 幕後花絮↓ ****** Benzac的其他影片: ****** Benzac 網站: ****** 演員陣容: 安東尼 伊恩 Olivia Sui Shayne Topp Courtney Miller Smosh的官方網站:****** Smosh官方臉書粉絲專頁:****** **** ==========Credit========== 【Smosh中文粉絲團】網址: ******