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要回你回去,我不回 If you want to return, you do it. I won't.
可是现在国内机会那么多 But there are plenty of opportunities back in China.
国内中专生都搞国际贸易 In China, many people who do international business are just young graduates from two- or three-years colleges.
我一把年纪了,回去跟他们拼体力啊 I am already at this age. What advantages do I have if I return? Shall I compete against them in physical power?
你干点别的不行么 Why not think of something else?
国际贸易,说白了,还不是靠国内那几个血汗工厂 To be frank, the so-called "international trade" is nothing more than selling stuff made by China's sweatshops.
我看也没什么前途 I don't see any future in doing this.
你有前途,在公司干了这么多年 Do you have a good future?
你还不是个工程师 Aren't you still a mere engineer although having worked for so many years in your current company?
这完全是两码事 The two issues are entirely different.
再说了,你以为你回去就有前途 Besides, do you think returning to China will certainly bring you success?
你一个搞环境的,环保局待不住了才到美国来 You are working on environment. You came to the U.S simply because you couldn't stand the Environmental Protection Bureau in China.
现在回去能干什么 What can you do if you go back to China now?
你还真打算去做你的志愿者啊 to be some sort of volunteer?
我知道最近海归的人多 I know lots of Chinese are returning to China recently.
今天他们一劝你又动心了 And this idea occurred to you today when they urged you to do the same.
可是海归这条路不适合咱们 But to return is not the right option for us.
还是别凑这个热闹了吧 We'd better not to make any fuss.
李总啊,价钱早就谈好了 President Li, the price was settled a long time ago.
你现在要加价,让我很难做啊 But now you want to raise it, which really poses a problem for me.
杨经理啊,现在形势很不好 Well, Manager Yong, you know the situation is not optimistic.
好多外地的老板把钱卷了就跑 Quite a few bosses from other places flee as soon as they get money.
工人在闹工潮,工资低了招不到人啊 The workers are on strike. We won't be able hire enough hands if the pay is too low.
那是你的问题 How to hire enough hands is your business, not mine.
广东做不了我去浙江 If this won't work out here in Guangdong, I can go to Zhejiang.
浙江做不了,我去越南,去柬埔寨 If it doesn't work out in Zhejiang either, I can go to Vietnam, or even Cambodia.
杨经理,我跟你讲,这一单我是一分钱不挣 Manager Yang. I tell you the truth: I won't be able to have any profit, not even a single cent, from this order.
加的钱,全在工资上头 The added portion in the price will all go to workers' wages.
摊下来,也就是工人工资一个小时加两毛五美金 It is just something like 25 cents more per hour for the workers.
他姓李的不地道啊 Li is really mean.
李总说国内在闹工潮,工资太低了,招不到工人 President Li said workers in China were on strike. If the wage is too low, he won't be able to recruit enough people.
他那个破厂都是我一手扶植起来的 That shabby factory? Well, it wouldn't be there if without my support.
这点小事都摆不平,趁早滚蛋 If he cannot handle even such a little problem, he'd better quit now.
好了,这事你别管了 OK. You do not need to worry about it.
我知道了 I know.
噢,还有 By the way, another thing.
老张跟我说,李玉琴的试用期满了 Lao Zhang told me Yuqin had completed her probation.
问要不要办工作签证 He asked whether we would sponsor her work visa application.
我觉得没问题 No problem for that.
那行,你让她把钱交给老张 Then, ask her to give the application fee to Lao Zhang.
王总,李玉琴的事情,您看是不是这样 President Wong. As for Yuqin's work permit, how about …
玉琴,把这些单子处理一下啊 Yuqin, remember to take care of these orders.
你听说了吗 So did you hear the news?
听说什么 What news?
贾斯汀要走了 Justin is leaving.
真的? Really?
现在他们要找个新的治理部主管了 Now they're gonna need a new supervisor for remediation division
不知道他们会找谁 I wonder who it will be.
我和克里斯打赌10块钱是你 I bet Christ 10 dollars on you.
我觉得那些是为VOC准备的 I thought those are for VOCs only.
噢,是的,你是对的 Oh, yeah, yes, you are right.
别闹,干活呢 Don’t bother me. I am at work.
跟你说了多少次了, 零钱不要乱放 How many times have I told you? Don't scatter coins around here and there.
【摊下来,也就是工人工资一个小时加两毛五美金】 【It is just something like 25 cents more per hour for the workers.】
玲玲,过来帮忙 Lingling. Come here. Help me.
这是干什么 What's it for?
忘了? Do you forget?
今天是咱们认识十周年 It is the tenth anniversary of our first-time meeting today.
怎么,有事? So what's up?
嗯,明天有个报告,我还没有准备好 Well. I have a report due tomorrow. It is not finished yet.
酒还没喝完呢 But we are not done with this wine yet.
这个报告关系到这次的升职 The report concerns whether I can get the promotion this time.
那好吧,你去吧 Ok then. Go ahead.
弄完了吗? Are you done?
没有,还有一会 Not yet. A few more minutes.
那,你来吗? Are you still coming then?
真就一会,我马上来 Just a few seconds. I am coming soon.
怎么搞的?一个季度报告弄了这么久 How come it took such a long time for you to do the seasonal report?
对不起,杨经理 I am sorry, Manager Yang.
这个星期数据库更新 It is because the data base is getting updated this week.
少忽悠我,更新数据库要一个星期? Don't lie to me. An entire week just to update the database?
再这么下去把你们全开了 If you go on working at such low speed, I will give all of you the boot.
至于吗,发这么大火 Come on. Is it necessary to be so pissed off?
肯定是在家受老婆气了 He must have had a hard time at home from his wife.
别瞎说,赶紧干活去吧 Don't spread any rumors. Go back to your work.
我们打算三个月之后启动这个项目 We expect to initiate this project in three months.
待项目完成时 By the end of this project,
我们期望本地区的地下水水质能够恢复到饮用水的标准 we expect to restore the groundwater in the area to drinking water standard.
就这么多,有问题吗 So that's it, any questions?
大卫? Dave?
你知道,他连一张草图都画不出来 He can't even draw a contour map, you know that.
我知道,他虽不是个好工程师,但是可以做个好经理 I know, he's not the perfect engineer, but he can be a good manager.
我尊敬的迈克,你怎么弃用其他人,独独选定了大卫 With all due respect, Mike, how could you choose Dave over other people?
其他人?你是说向你一样的"其他人"? By other people, do you mean people like you?
是的。确实如此 Yes, indeed.
玲,你是我这里最好的工程师 Ling, you are the best engineer I've ever had.
但是做经理的话,需要进行很多语言交际 But being a manager requires a lot of verbal communication.
大多数时候,我们的客户更喜欢和英语本族语者打交道 Most of the time, the client prefers native English speakers.
我还有个消息要告诉你 I have other news for you.
人事部刚刚接到了总部的电话 Human resources just got a call from headquarters.
他们在询问你的情况 They were asking about you.
我?为什么 Me? For what?
我不清楚。他们在中国要新建一个合资项目 I don't know. They start a new joint venture in China.
合资项目?在中国? Joint venture? In China?
今天早上你也太凶了 You were very scaring this morning.
工作签证的事我还没谢谢你 I haven't thanked you for my work visa application yet.
老张都告诉我了,王总本来要让我自己拿钱的 Lao Zhang told me everything. President *** had planned to ask me to pay for it myself.
举手之劳,别放在心上 It is nothing. Forget it.
怎么了,脖子疼? What is up? A neck ache?
老毛病了 Yeah. It's been a long time.
让我看看 Let me have a look.
不碍事 It's not serious.
我这也是举手之劳 It's easy for me.
玉琴啊,你老公怎么还没办过来啊? Yuqin, why hasn't your husband come to the U.S. yet?
谁知道啊,磨磨蹭蹭的 Who knows? He dawdles a lot.
该不会在国内有别的女人了吧? Probably he has some other woman in China.
那才好呢,省的我费心了 That would be terrific. In that case, I would not need to worry anymore.
回来啦 Now you're finally back.
Glass ceiling (玻璃天花板)? Glass ceiling?
升职的事泡汤了? So did your promotion end in vain?
还以为升到VP才会看到,没想到这么快 I had thought I would encounter the glass ceiling after rising to a VP position. I did not imagine it could be so quick.
哎,济阳 Hi, Jiyang.
哎,老杨 Hi, Lao Yang.
今天办的很热闹啊 You have really made the wedding a big event today.
唉,要依着我,领个证儿就完了,哪儿 还用这么夸张 If I could have decided, I would have had nothing else except a mere marriage license. This ceremony is really too big a fuss.
哎,这可太亏待蕙兰咯 If so, it would be unfair to Huilan.
唉,实话跟你说吧,这领证儿我都是…… To be frank. Even this marriage license was ...
没有办法 a last choice.
怎么,搞出人命来了? What do you mean? Is she pregnant?
唉,一不小心啊 Yeah. I was too careless.
准备去哪儿度蜜月啊 Where're you going for honeymoon?
什么蜜月啊,他后天回国,考察 Honeymoon? He is leaving for China the day after tomorrow, business trip.
新婚燕尔,你舍得啊 But you just got married. Wouldn't you gradate it?
有什么舍得不舍得的, 他回去了,我正好清静两天 I wouldn't grudge anything. In fact, I can just enjoy some quiet days alone.
两位美女,往这看 Hi, ladies. Look this way.
照相照相 Let's take some photo.
哎,上次那事儿你考虑的怎么样了 Have you somewhat decided on the project we mentioned last time?
技术方面, 有把握么? Are you confident with the technology?
图纸都是现成的, 技术骨干也是花大价钱从别的公司挖来的 We have a design at hand and key tech staff recruited from other companies at high prices.
绝对没有问题 Absolutely no problem!
嗯,让我再想想 Um... Let me think about it a little more.
这次回去差不多就要拍板了 It is to be sort of settled when I go back to China this time.
过了这个村儿可就没了这个店儿了啊 If we miss the chance this time, there won't be anything like it in the future.
玲,总部人事部迈克恩先生的电话,在一线上 Ling, Mr. McCain from the headquarter human resource, line one.
好的。我马上接。谢谢 OK, I'll take it. Thank you.
嗨,我是玲……好的 Hi, this is Ling ... OK
时代真是不一样了, 现在搞环保的开始搞投资了 It is really different now. People who do environmental protection also begin to do investment.
具体什么项目?什么职位? What is this particular project about? What position do they offer you?
他没问我也没说,就是了解一下啊我的background He did not say; nor did I ask. He just wanted to get some information on my background.
再就是,问我可不可以relocate回中国 He also asked me whether I could be relocated to China.
你怎么说? How did you answer him?
我说我需要时间考虑 I told him I needed some time to think about it.
我这么多年学的是环境,搞的也是环境 For so many years, I have studied environment in school and worked on it.
要是海归,可以把这些年的经验都带回去 If I return to China, I can bring back my expertise and experience.
得了吧,你忘了当年为什么出国了 Have you forgotten why you came abroad?
哎,老杨啊,不能再犹豫了 Lao Yang, don't hesitate anymore.
现在天时地利人和都全了,你还等什么 We have everything ready, what else are you waiting for?!
你想一辈子给人打工啊 Do you want to be employed by such a company all your life?
杨经理,出事了 Manager Yang, we are in trouble.
别哭了,哭也没什么用 Stop crying. Tears won't help.
你别管了,这事我来扛 You put it down. Let me deal with it.
好吧,你也不用替人扛着了,说,到底谁的错 Ok. You don't have to be responsible for someone else's fault. Tell me, who did it?
没别人,就是我 Nobody else. Just me.
好你个杨清风,搁我这儿充起好汉来了 Well, Yang. Don't pretend to be a hero in my company.
你以为我不敢开除你啊 Do you think I dare not fire you?
王总,不关杨经理的事儿,是我错 President ***, it had nothing to do with Manager Yang. I was my fault.
还有没有规矩了,领导在这儿谈话呢,没你插嘴的份,出去 Behave yourself! No interruption while the bosses are having a talk. Get out!
嚯,还挺仗义啊 Oh my. He seems generous.
王总,玉琴是我的人, 他出了错,我有责任 President ***, Yuqin works in my team. When she did something wrong, I am responsible too.
你要是想把她开除,那就连我一起开除吧 If you want to dismiss her, then dismiss me too.
等你找到工作,一定要告诉我 You must let me know once you find a job.
想跟你在一起 I want to be with you.
喂?李总啊,什么事 Hello. Hi, President Li.What's up?
杨经理啊,我特地打电话来谢谢你 Manager Yang. I am calling to thank you.
谢我什么 Thank me, for what?
王总给我们镇上的领导打了几个电话,现在事情都摆平了 President *** called some leaders of my town. Now all things are settled.
我就说嘛,上次他们去美国考察,还是你们接待的 After all, when they visited the U.S. last time, it was you who received them.
这点儿小忙他们肯定要帮 Now on this occasion, they should certainly help you out.
杨经理,我们还是按照原来的价钱,一分钱不多,有钱大家赚 Manager Yang, we will go for your original price, not a single cent more. We all deserve a share of the profit.
这事跟我没关系 It has nothing to do with me.
这事多亏了您,要不是您出面,我哪能请动王总这尊大佛 I did owe a lot to you. If without your help, I couldn't have had the luck of doing business with President ***.
好了好了,您先忙,下次回国我请你洗澡 OK, then. Since you are busy, I will hang up now. Talk to you later.
反正有绿卡,再找份工作吧 Anyway, you have a green card. Just look for another job.
玲玲,咱们回国吧 Lingling. Let's return to China.
回去干什么 What can we do if we return?
风车 Windmills?
济阳和我要在国内投资建厂,搞风力发电设备 Jiyang and I want to invest a factory in China to manufacture wind energy equipment .
黑下去我也不回 I would rather stay here on an illegal status than go back to China.
何必呢, 在哪儿挣钱不是一样 You do not have to think this way. Isn't it all the same no matter where you make a living?
出国之前我是做销售的, 一年换过三个公司 Before I came abroad, I was a saleswoman in China. I changed jobs three times a year.
我实在是受不了那种不把女人当人 I really could not stand the culture where women were not treated with due respect.
唉,我明白 I understand.
那……你被炒的事情你老公知道么 Then does your husband know you lost your job?
那就别告诉他,他要是知道了,更不会过来了 Don't tell him. If he heard this, he would be even less willing to come.
有句话,我说了,你可别生气 Let me tell you something, but you don't be angry.
你既然不愿意回国,你老公又不愿意过来 Since you do not want to go back to China and your husband does not want to come to the U.S.,
你有没有想过离婚啊 haven't you ever thought about divorce?
嗨,瞧我,把正事儿都给忘了 Woops! Look at me. I almost forgot an important thing.
我结婚的喜糖 Here are some wedding candies from me.
哦对了,你老公什么时候回来 By the way, when is your husband coming?
他?恐怕还没爽够呢吧 He?! He must be still enjoying the life in China.
这次回国爽吧 Did you have fun in China this time?
爽!就是酒喝的太多,一天三顿,胃受不了 Sure! The only thing bad is that I drank too much. Three meals a day all went with wine. It was too much for my stomach.
那也没叫两个小姐双飞一下 Didn't you have sex with some pretty girls?
没,怕得病,野花儿没有家花儿香 No. I was afraid of being infected with diseases. Street girls are no better than wife, right?
这是什么 What's this?
哪儿找出来的 Where did you get it?
登机箱里 In your luggage.
去年我们去迈阿密,肯定是你忘了拿出来了 Oh, that thing. I took it when we went to Miami last year. You must have forgotten to take it out.
你看清楚了,made in China的 Look, it is "made in China".
靠,现在什么东西不是made in China的 Damned. Is there anything that is not "made in China"?
陈济阳你敢发誓,你这次回国没找小姐 Dare you promise you did not have sex with any street girl in China?
我要是找了小姐,天打五雷轰,立马死在老婆面前 If I did, let me be condemned to death right away in front of you.
总可以了吧 Does this satisfy you?
说的跟真的一样 Well, you talked as if you were truly innocent.
哎,你那回国的投资的事儿办的怎么样了 OK, then, the China investment project. How did it go?
三年, 三年收回投资 In three years, we will recoup investment in three years.
之后年利润保守估计500万 After that, we expect to make a profit of five million a year.
人民币? Five million Chinese Yuan?
美元 No, U.S. Dollars.
哪儿不对劲儿啊 Is there anything wrong?
穿的这么正式 You are dressed with such great formality.
国内 合作那个项目,那边派人去总部签合同 Oh, it is for the project in China. There are several people from China to sign the contact at the headquarters.
路过这儿,老板让我去接一下 They will pass by, so the boss asked me to pick them up.
【今天是周一, 这是商业聚焦,针对当前的技术话题——风电】 【On Monday, the business news focuses on techonogy... 】
【阿帕拉契亚地区的一些州是美国地下煤开采的领头地区】 【The Appalachian states lead the nation in underground coal production】
【但是现在那里开始大力使用另一种能源】 【but now there's an effort to harness another type of energy there】
【从纽约州西部到宾州,从宾州到维吉尼亚】 【Huge windmills are sprouting up on mountaintops】
【山顶涌现出了巨大的风力发电机……】 【from western New York through Pennsylvania and West Virginia……】
杨子,你看我把谁给带来了 Look, Yang Zi. Who have I brought?
老六 Lao Liu!
老大你好啊 Hello. Lao Da!
你好你好!你怎么来了?哎什么时候来的,也不通知一声 How are you? How come you are here? When did you arrive? Why don't tell me you are coming?
他就是我今天去机场接的人 He is the very person that I went to pick up at the airport.
哦,原来和玲玲公司合作的就是你呀 I see. You are the guy who is doing a joint venture with Lingling's company.
是啊,我也没想到,一下飞机,就能见到师姐 Yeah, it's me. I had not imagined I could see my Senior Sister Apprentice right after getting off the flight.
这世界真是太小了。 来来来,快进来 It's a small world. Come on in!
这里说得很多了,你有什么问题吗? Everything looks pretty much in order here. Do you have any questions?
我唯一担心的是我需要有担保才能在这儿工作 My only concern is that I need sponsorship to work here.
你需要工作签证?在申请信里,你并没有提到这一点 You need a working visa? You didn't mention that in the cover letter.
那如果太麻烦的话,我可以自己支付律师费 Well, if it's too much trouble , I can pay for the attorney myself.
不是这个问题 It' s not that.
自从去年银行开始清理坏账以来,政府监管得非常严 Since last year's bank bail-out, the government have been watching us very closely.
在这个时候,我们无法为任何人提供工作签证担保 At this time , we can't sponsor any working visas.
很抱歉 I'm sorry.
你小子混的不错啊,这才几年,都出国考察啦 You are really somebody now. It's been only several years since we graduated, and now you are sent to visit abroad.
哪里,环保局是清水衙门,温饱而已 It is nothing. The Environmental Protection Bureau is a place with not much money. We are just able to get by and manage basic means of living.
哪能和你们这儿比啊 How can I compare with you?
哎,你这次来,具体什么项目啊?老板也没跟我们说 What specific project do you come for? The boss did not tell us anything.
你看看,人家 十几个小时的飞机刚下来,你就跟别人谈项目? Come on. He's just had a flight of over ten hours. Now you even want to talk about the project?
老六,别管他,咱俩喝。 Hi, Lao Liu. Don't listen to her. Let's have some drinks.
接个电话 I need to answer a phone.
来,我们吃我们吃…… Let's eat.
喂,什么事? Hell. What's it?
我想见你 I want to see you.
家里有客人 ,现在走不开。有什么事儿改天再说吧 I have a guest at home. I can't get out of here. If anything, let's talk about it some other day.
我想见你,就现在 I wanna see you, right now.
别闹 Stop messing around.
不上班了还这么忙啊? Are you still so busy even if not having to work?
啊,一个朋友,问货柜出关的事情 It's a friend asking about the customs clearance of some containers.
哎,老六啊,毕业那回你可是把我喝趴下了 Hi,Lao Liu. You beat me with liquor over our graduation dinner.
这账我一直记着,来,我们喝! I always remember it. Let's drink.
师姐你还是老样子, 一点都没变 Senior Sister Apprentice. You look the same and haven't changed at all.
都七八年了,哪儿能不老啊 It's been seven or eight years. I must have turned old.
局里的领导还经常提起你 The Bureau directors speak of you once in a while.
说你当初如果没有离开,现在不是副处也是正科了 They always say if you hadn't left, you would now at least be a section chief, if not a deputy division chief.
那你知道,我当初为什么离开么? Then did you know why I left?
不知道 No.
上班第一天, 电厂超标排污 On my first day at work, an electric power plant discharged pollutants in excess of the limits.
上午说是要罚款,中午红包就送来了 In the morning we asked it to pay a fine, while at noon we accepted their bribery.
这种红包我也收过 I have received this kind of bribery too.
第二天,农药厂的一个项目环境评价 On the next day, we did environmental evaluation for a project of a pesticide plant.
怎么算都超标,后来科长亲自改了数据 In whatever way of calculation, the pollution was estimated to exceed the limits. Then our section chief simply modified the data at will.
师姐,你就是太理想主义了 Senior Sister Apprentice, you are too much of an idealist.
是么,我以前也这么认为 Really? I thought so too years ago.
可你知道么 But you know,
我来美国这些年,从来没有改过一个数据,收过一个红包 I've never changed any data or accepted any bribery, not even once, during these many years in the U.S.
既然这样,为什么还要回去? That being said, why do you want to return?
你不是说了么,我就是太理想主义了 Well. As you said, I am too much of an idealist.
哎,你这是怎么了?! Hey, what's wrong with you?!
别吃,肯定没熟 Don't eat it. It's not well cooked yet.
哎,济阳 Hi. Ji Yang.
哎,老杨 Hi, Lao Yang.
老杨啊,上次一接你电话,我就知道,这是天意 Lao Yang, when I got your call last time, I immediately realized that this is God's will.
这下好了,破釜沉舟,哀兵必胜 Now it is the right time. We will cut off all means of retreat. An army full of righteous indignation is bound to win.
我怎么听着有点幸灾乐祸的意思啊 Heh, heh. You seem to be gloating over at others's woes.
这次我回去,硬件软件都准备的差不多了 When I went back, everything was about ready.
就等着贷款一下来,我们就可以开工了 Once the bank loan is approved, we can start it up.
公司副总的位子我是一直给你留着的哦 I will save the vice manager's position for you.
哎,那个人是谁啊? Who is guy over there?
小C,物理系博士后,研究做多了,这儿有点问题 Little C, a post-doc in the Physics Dept. He is too much in his research, so is sort of mentally disordered.
你们先聊,我到那边转转 Enjoy your chat. I'm gonna walk over there.
中投的offer不错啊,要是我啊就接了 The offer from China Investment looks pretty good. I would take it if I were you.
不接不行的,据说中投马上就要收购我们公司了 I have to take it. Rumors have been around that China Investment will acquire our company soon.
你这情况,要是前两年回去,肯定是副教授啊 Had you returned to China a couple of years earlier, you must have become an associate professor or something similar.
唉,坏就坏在多呆了三五年嘛 I made a mistake by hanging around here for three or five years more.
现在啊,海归的人越来越多, 这边的大学研究所都缺人 Now more and more overseas Chinese are going back to China. Universities as well as research institutes are in bad need of good researchers.
政府呢,正在克隆中国优秀的留美学者 And the government is cloning outstanding overseas Chinese scholars in the U.S.
一旦这些克隆的主体海归 ,就会激活相应的克隆人 Once the host organisms take hold, they will activate the clones
从而为他们继续干活儿 ... and put them to work.
那这些克隆人为什么肯当苦力呢? Then are these cloned scholars willing to sweat blood for the government?
关键就在这儿 Aha, here is the point.
这些克隆人啊,移植了他们主体的记忆 These clones take over their host’s memory
他们并不知道自己是克隆人 They don't know they themselves were created by cloning.
政府就可以用绿卡,tenure这些手段控制他们,让他们干活儿 The government controls them with such alluring incentives as green cards and tenureship positions so as to drive them to work.
老杨啊,这次我算是长见识啦, 那叫一个花天酒地 Lao Yang, now I know what real life is. It is corruption and sex, wine and women.
哎,小心蕙兰跟你急哦 Heh, do be careful. Huilan may get mad at you.
我们家那点事,别人不清楚,你还不清楚 Others may not know what is going on in my family, but you certainly do.
我说上次那怀孕那事儿,我觉得她是故意的 Take her pregnancy for an example. I suspect she did it on purpose.
讲什么呢,那么神秘 Hi, what are you talking about? It seems something mysterious.
玉琴,你们杨经理要海归了 Yuqin. Your Manager Yang is about to return to China.
是么? Really?
差点忘了,那个谁谁谁他也要海归,我带你引荐一下 I almost forgot. There's another guy who will go back too. I will introduce you to him.
好 That sounds good.
来,玉琴接把手 Yuqin, give me a hand.
女人啊,就是trouble Women do bring trouble.
那你说说看,要是真有克隆人怎么区分? Tell us. If clones do exist, how can we distinguish them from real human beings?
没什么办法 There is no way you can do that.
就是说,你也没办法确定自己是不是克隆人? Do you mean you won't even know whether you yourself are a real man or a clone?
对 That's right.
我看你是想家了吧 I think you must be homesick.
鸡翅烤好了 Chicken wings are ready to serve.
我觉得他们说得有道理, 想家了,干嘛不回去? I think their words make sense. If we miss home, why not return?
这儿有问题,回去了,拖累大家 I have problems here, in my brain. If I go back, I will be a burden to others.
怎么会?我觉得你挺好的 How come? I feel you are pretty sound.
这种话我每天听几十遍 I heard this dozens of times every day.
你们真有勇气 You have really lots of guts.
这跟勇气没有什么关系,我就是在这儿待腻歪了 It has nothing to do with guts. I am just tired of being here
一辈子靠血汗工厂赚钱,没前途 ...working like a slave to earn a living. I can't see any future.
我是觉得国内更需要我 I think China needs me more.
可能我太理想主义了吧 Perhaps I am too much of an idealist.
最近海归的人很多,可是你们俩很特别 Of the many returnees, you two are kind of special.
既不为名,也不为利 You return not for fame, nor for money.
玲姐?杨大哥? Sister Ling? Brother Yang?
玉琴? Yuqin?
玲姐,听杨大哥说你们要海归? Sister Ling. I heard Brother Yang said you would go back to China.
嗯 Yeah.
你舍得啊? Do you have the courage to give up everything here?
嗨,有什么舍得舍不得的,在哪儿不都是一辈子 It is not an issue of giving up anything. We can lead a life wherever we are.
我觉得我没有你说的这么高尚。这次回国也是逼不得已 I'm not as sublime as you thought. I decide to return simply because I have to.
不得已做了英雄,仍是英雄 A reluctant hero is still a hero.
你要海归,就是为了要躲开我么? Do you return to evade me?
不,跟你没关系 Not. It has nothing to do with you.
你敢说跟我一点儿关系都没有? Dare you say it has nothing to do with me?
如果我离婚呢? Then what if I get a divorce?
玉琴,别这样 Yuqin, don't do this.
我希望你跟我一样,珍惜我们之间的回忆 I hope you do the same as me, I mean, to treasure our memories.
切,真老套 It's the same old cliche.
老公,我有事儿跟你商量 Hi darling. I have something to talk to you.
我也有事儿跟你说 I wanna talk to you too.
那你先说吧 Then you go first.
我收到巴林顿大学的offer了, 下周就去大使馆签证了 I've got an offer from Barrington University, and I am going for the visa application at the Consulate next week.
啊?什么? What?
玉琴,我知道你一直埋怨我不肯过来陪你 Yuqin, I know you are not happy that I do not come to the States to accompany you.
可我知道你那点儿钱根本就不够两个人花 But it is all because I know your income won't be enough for the two of us.
这些年我都在瞒着你申请学校,一直没有结果 All these years I have been applying to U.S. schools without letting you know. But all efforts ended in vain.
我本来想好了,如果这次还不能成功,我就…… I've decided if it doesn't work out this time, I will ...
现在好了,我们总算可以团聚了 Now it is all over. We can finally get together.
玉琴,你怎么了?你应该高兴才对啊? Yuqin, are you OK? You should feel happy for me.
好的。谢谢你提供这些信息 All right, thanks for the info.
我会打给你,好吗?再见 I'll call you back, ok? Bye!
妈,你听我解释啊,妈 Mom, let me explain, mom...
我妈说,要是回去就是不孝 My mom said it is an act against filial respect to return to China.
回去是不孝,不回去倒是孝顺了 If to return to China is against filial respect, then not to return becomes an act of filial respect!
老辈人,想法不一样 The elderly generation thinks differently from us.
哎,你跟John怎么说的 By the way, what did you say to John?
他说现在的房价是十年来的最低点,要是卖肯定赔 He said housing prices are at their lowest in a decade. We are bound to lose money if we sell now.
早料到了,赔就赔吧 We had anticipated it. Let's lose money if we have to.
怎么了 Then what?
有时候我真希望你不要这么强 I sometimes wish you would not be so strong-minded.
都这么多年了,你还没适应啊 It's been quite many years. Haven't you got used to me yet?
适应不适应是一回事 Getting used to you is different...
舒服不舒服就是另一回事了 ...from being comfortable with you.
哟,您哪不舒服啊,脖子又疼了?要不我跟你揉揉? What’s the problem? Having neck pain again? Do you want me to massage if for a while?
没,没不舒服,都挺好的 No, no problem at all. I'm fine.
你让我看看 你哪不舒服 Let me see where the pain comes from.
怎么样 How is it going?
要真像您说的那样,这产品做起来,可不得了啊 If what you said were true, the product would be a real hit.
我想升你做公司的副总,由你负责这个厂在北美的独家代理 I will promote you to be the vice manager of the company. You will be the director of our sole agency in North America.
怎么样 What do you think?
我? Me?
小杨啊 Xiao Yang
上次的事情是我过分了,在这给你道个歉 I overreacted last time. I now apologize.
回来吧,公司需要你 Come back here. The company needs you.
王总,不瞒您说,我和玲玲已经准备回国了 Tell you the truth, Lingling and I are preparing to return to China.
回国?干什么? Return to China? What will you do there?
跟朋友开厂 To set up a factory.
开厂? To set up a factory?
小杨啊,你知道你这叫什么吗? Xiao Yang, do you fully understand what kind of act this is?
这叫小资产阶级的狂热性 It's the so-called "frenzy of the petty bourgeoisie."
我算是想明白了,为什么那么多猥琐男拼了命的想海归 Now I see why those mean loser men try all means to return to China.
你看我们家回来以后那得瑟样 Look how bossy and boastful my husband have been since he came back from his trip to China.
我猜他这次多半是那什么了 I suspect he must have had quite a few affairs.
你别把人总往坏处想 Don't always think others are bad.
这两天一个劲的跟我说要回国创业,当我傻啊 No wonder he keeps saying he wants to start a career in China. What did he take me for? A fool?
回国创业也不错啊 It is not bad to start a career in China.
总比在这跟人抢食强吧 It'll be better than to vie for a tiny piece of cake here in the U.S., with lots of competitors.
得了吧,海归海归,多半是下半身想归 Stop saying that. In fact, to return means more often than not to return to a life full of sex pleasure.
玲姐,你们要是真想归的话 Sister Ling, if you two really want to return to China,
杨大哥那边你可得盯紧点 you should certainly watch Brother Yang closely.
玲玲,回来了 Hi, Lingling.
玲姐 Sister Ling.
怎么了 What's the matter?
没怎么,看了不该看的东西 Nothing. It's just that I saw something I was not supposed to.
你瞧你这个醋坛子 Look how jealous you are.
玉琴老公签证出事了,我正帮她想辙呢 Yuqin's husband had some trouble in doing his visa application. I was thinking how to help her.
怎么了 What happened?
她老公不知道她被开除了,用她的资料去签证 Her husband did not know she had been fired, so he used her employment information to apply for the visa.
人家说他用的是无效证件 Then he was told the documents were invalid.
玲姐 Sister Ling.
别说了,姐都知道了 You don't have to say anything. I've known it.
今天晚上别回去了,就留在这,我们一起想办法 Don't go back home tonight. You can just stay here, and we will think of some way out together.
玲姐 Sister Ling.
没事的 It'll be fine.
想什么呢 What's on you mind?
围城 Beseiged City (A grass is always greener on the other side.)
你想过没,等真的回去了,肯定又要怀念这里 If we do return to China, we will miss everything here .
大房子,清新的空气,便宜的衣服化妆品 a big house, clean air, as well as cheap clothes and cosmetics.
别的不说,你知道现在北京四环以内的房子多少钱一平米吗 With all else ignored, just think about how much a square meter of an apartment costs in Beijing, within the Fourth Ring Road?
我说你个大老爷们,怎么这么磨叽啊 Look what you are doing. How can you, a member of the male gender, be hesitating so much?
我磨叽?还不是为了慎重 I? Hesitating? Isn't it all for the sake of prudence?
为什么BBS上年年吵月月吵 Why is this question – to return or not – being debated on the BBS, day after day, and year after year?
就是因为这个问题太重要,决定了就不能回头了 It's all because the question is a serious one. Once you make up your mind, there is no way you can withdraw from it.
吵死人了 ,我去楼上玉琴那睡去 You are making too much noise. I will go upstairs and sleep at Yuqin's room.
城里的人想出去,城外的人想进来 Those inside of the city want to get out, while those outside of it want to get in.
这个城,不要也罢 It will do just as well not to face this besieged city.
蕙兰也这么劝过我 Huilan said the same to me.
噢,是吗?我还以为她鄙视海归呢 Oh, did she? I had thought she disdains returnees.
海归?噢,你误会了,她是劝我离婚 Returnees? You misunderstood me. She tried to persuade me to divorce.
离婚?你舍得啊 To divorce? Are you willing to have do it?
有什么舍不得的,跟谁还不都是一辈子 It's not a matter of willingness or reluctance? After all, what difference does it make no matter who you have as a life partner?
别嘴硬了,你不是这种人 Don't be stubborn in speech. You are not a cold-hearted person.
你看人很准吗 Do you always judgment a person correctly?
很少走眼 Rarely do I make mistakes.
难怪杨大哥那么爱你 No wonder Brother Yang loves you dearly.
真羡慕你们 I really envy you.
时间不早了,早点睡吧 It's pretty late. Let's go to bed.
明天我问问财务部那边还招不招人 I will ask around tomorrow, to see whether there is any opening in the Accounting Dept. of my company.
玲姐 Sister Ling.
怎么了 Yes? What is it?
没什么,谢谢你 Nothing. Thanks a lot.
在总部那边一切都顺利吧 Does everything go well at the Headquarters?
挺顺利的,合同已经签了,马上就可以开始运作了 Yes, pretty well. The contract was signed, and the project can be put into operation very soon.
人事方面呢 What did the Human Resources think?
人事部那边提了几个人选,其中有你 The Human Resources recommended several candidates. You are one of them.
你是怎么说的 What did you say?
我说,别人我不知道,但你,不合适 This was what I told them, "I believe you are not the right person although I don't know whether other candidates are."
今天算是把这个manager给镇住了 What a hard blow we gave the manager today!
刚才报价的时候你看他那个表情 Look at his face when we told him the offer.
幸好他没问咱们技术方面的问题,要不然可糗大了 We were lucky that he did not ask us any technical questions. Otherwise, we would have run into real trouble.
风车啊,就跟这个桌子一样 A windmill is like this desk.
设计都差不多,关键在质量,在销售 The design doesn't matter much. What do matter are the quality and the sales strategy.
对了, 银行那边的事情搞定了没有 By the way, is everything settled with the bank?
钱你放心,我同学给我打了保票,这个月就批下来 Don't worry. My classmate promised to have the loan approved this week.
哎,老孙,等你好消息呢 Heh, Lao Sun. I will wait for your good news.
什么?你不是打了保票吗 What? You promised me you could get it done.
工行不行?建行呢,农行呢 If it did not work out at the CIC Bank, then why not try other banks?
新政策?你等等 A new policy? Hold on...
中国国家发展改革委员会去年十月份指出 China National Development and Reform Commission pointed out last October...
中国有六大行业产能过剩 that six industries in China have excessive production capacity,
这些产业包括钢铁、水泥……煤化工以及风能发电设备 including steel, cement, sheet glass ... and wind power equipment.
12月底,中国央行表示 At the end of December, China’s central bank announced
中国将继续执行适度宽松的货币政策 that it will continue a moderately loose monetary policy,
但是,严格限制向产能过剩产业部门的信贷 but it will enforce strict control over loans to industries with an excessive production capacity.
先生们,女士们 Ladies and gentlemen
我很荣幸向大家介绍来自中国的陈先生 it is my privilege to introduce Mr. Chen from China.
陈先生将为我们的“凤凰项目”揭幕 Mr. Chen is going to unveil Project Phoenix,
该项目是我们进入中国市场的首次尝试 which isour first endeavor into Chinese market.
现在,长话短说,让我们欢迎陈先生的到来 Now, with no further delay, let's welcome Mr. Chen.
谢谢各位给我这个机会 Thank you for this opportunity
不过时间有限,我就长话短说 I don't want to waste too much of your time. So my talk will be as short as possible.
简而言之,Project Phoenix就是从美国运输超高标准的有机废料 In short, the core concept of Project Phoenix is a cheaper way of high level organic waste...
到中国进行焚烧处理 disposal by incineration in China.
众所周知,美国的固体污染废料处理价格很高 As you may know, in US it is every expensive to dispose solid waste
排放标准也很严 with high level of organic contamination
而中国现在正在大规模建设垃圾焚烧炉 On the other hand, China is putting up incinerators in massive scale.
这就为我们两边的合作创造了机会 This created opportunity of cooperation for both of us.
她怀孕了? Is she pregnant?
师姐,你没事吧 Are you OK?
你说的对,我不适合这个项目 You are right. The project is not suitable for me.
你知不知道,焚烧那些东西对环境的危害更大 Do you know that incarnation of organic waste does more serious harm to the environment?
知道 I do know that.
那你为什么还这么做 Then why do you still take the project?
我不做,自然还会有别人做 If I did not, surely someone else would.
你变了 You've changed.
去年金融风暴,东川那边的小厂关了一半,天天闹工潮 In last year's financial storm, half of the factories in Dongchuan closed down. Workers were on strike every day.
我们这个厂,至少能解决好几百号人的就业 This factory can at least provide several hundred jobs.
这不是借口 This is not an excuse.
这个项目,好几个镇子都抢着要 Several towns are competing for the project.
跑项目都跑到省里去了,一切手续都是合法的 They have even lobbied for it in the provincial government. We conduct every procedure legally.
这不是法律的问题,是道德的问题,是公平的问题 This is not a question of being legal or not, but an issue of morality and fairness.
师姐,这本来就不是一个公平的世界 Senior Sister Apprentice, the world is not fair after all.
没想到你还会弹钢琴 I don't know you play piano.
你老公的事情别太着急了 Don't worry too much about your husband's visa.
工作的事我也会帮你想办法的 I will help you find a job.
玲姐是好人 Sister Ling is very kind.
王总,我是小杨 President ***, I am Xiao Yang.
您的建议我接受了,不过,我有一个条件 I take your advice, but on one condition
真没想到老六会变成这样 I didn't imagine that Lao Liu had become such a person.
别说这些烦心事了,说说你的事吧 Let's not talk about those annoyances. How about your project?
一个好消息,一个坏消息,先听哪个 A good news, and a bad one. Which do you want to hear first?
先说坏消息吧 The bad one then.
风电厂的贷款出问题了,八成要黄了 There is a problem with the bank loan. Probably it won't work out.
那,好消息呢 Well, what's the good news?
王总请我回公司,还说要请我做副总 President *** invited me to go back to his company. He promised to offer me a vice-president position.
你答应了? Did you accept his offer?
我有的选吗? Did I have any other option?
你这人怎么这样,你这是背叛 How could you do this? It's a betrayal!
你别乱扣帽子好不好 Don't accuse me of wrongdoing at will, OK?
这么点小事就打退堂鼓 You gave up just because of such a minor problem.
还谈什么回国创业,简直是笑话 Don't talk about starting a new career in China. It's ridiculous.
什么叫这点小事,没钱怎么办厂? A minor problem? How can we set up a factory without money?
你以为都跟老六一样,空手套白狼啊? Do you think everyone is the same as the Sixth, who can make a fortune at no cost?
好了好了,反正你也不回去了 No arguments, OK? Anyway you can't go back to China either.
谁说我不回去了,我现在就回给你看 Who said I couldn't? I will do it now. You just wait to see.
我也没说不回去嘛,将来终归是要回去的 I didn't say we would never return. There must be a day in the future when we will.
什么时候回去,躺在骨灰盒子里回去? When exactly? Shall we return after death, in a cinerary casket?
老六不也说了吗,现在时机不对 Didn't Lao Liu tell you? It is not the right time to return.
理想不能当饭吃 Ideals cannot earn bread.
你以为你回去能改变一切,其实你什么都改变不了 You may think you can change anything, but in fact nothing.
你怎么老躲着我 Why are you shunning me?
最近发生了很多事情,我想静一静 A lot of things have happened recently. I'd like to calm down a bit.
还以为你是为了我才留下来的 I had thought you decided to stay in the U.S. for my sake.
没想到,又是我自作多情 I hadn't realized I was just self-deluding, thinking that you love me.
这次的事情对玲玲打击很大 This is a hard blow on Lingling.
她很要强,不希望别人看出来 She is a strong-minded person and doesn't want others to see her being defeated.
对不起 I am sorry.
听说02年你们就在上海买房了,现在不知道涨成什么样子了 I heard you had bought a house in Shanghai back in 2002. The price of it must have soared in recent years.
你还别说,就在世博会广场边上,最近涨了不少 You are right. It is near the Expo Park. The price's indeed gone up quite much.
怪不得你们要归,要是我也归了 No wonder you want to return to China. If I were you, I would definitely do the same.
Package太差,这简直是跳楼价嘛 The package is very bad. It’s like prices at a closing down sale.
行了,现在这行情,能找到下家就不错了 Don't complain anymore. These days it is very lucky for you to get whatever kind of offer.
对呀,我们公司海归那两位都还闲着呢 Exactly! The two people in my company who have returned to China are still jobless.
你这裙子在国内买的吧,这边好像没有这种花色 Did you buy this skirt from China? There seems to be no similar design here in the U.S.
好看吧,就是太贵了 Isn't it pretty? But it's sort of expensive.
现在国内东西可贵了,回去都买不起衣服 Everything is expensive in China these days. I won't even be able to afford clothes if I go back there.
老袁,你回了趟国怎么瘦了 Lao Yuan, how come you lost so much weight after your trip to China?
别提了,我回去以后天天拉肚子 Don't mention it. I had an upset stomach all day long,
后来又牙痛,两个星期天天就只能喝粥 and then a toothache. I could eat nothing but some porridge for two entire weeks.
老袁你也太可怜了吧 What a sad story!
怎么这样啊 How come?
人家还说了,要是我不接受 I was told if I did not take this offer,
还有一堆常青藤的postdoc在等着要这个位置呢 they will be many postdocs from the Ivy schools who are eager to fill up the position.
要不你也试试二线大学,好歹搞一个副教授啊 How about trying at some second-rate universities? In the worst case, you can secure appointment as an associate professor.
你们知不知道,这个世界,其实是由很多平行空间组成的 Do you know the world consists of various parallel spaces?
你坐飞机从美国回国飞14个小时,其实你哪都没去 When you take a 14-hour flight from the U.S. to China, you in fact don't travel anywhere
就是从一个平行空间到另一个平行空间 but move from one parallel space to another.
这我怎么就没听明白呢 I don't get it.
就是说,我们觉得自己身在美国,其实也可能身在中国 In other words, although we feel we are in the U.S., but in fact we may be in China.
因为它们是平行空间,对吧 This is because they are two parallel spaces. Is it right?
对,对 Yeah.
我看你还是想家了吧,快点抓牌 As far as I understand, you must be homesick. Hurry up and take your tiles!
平行空间总在交替 Parallel spaces are usually alternating with each other.
在某个特定时间你我处于哪个空间,是选择的结果 Which space we are located in at a certain time depends on our own choice.
吴玲和杨清风终于没有回国 For whatever reason, Wu Ling and Yang Qingfeng did not return to China.
玉琴还是有寂寞的时候 Yuqin still feels lonely sometimes.
一年后,玉琴离婚,又过了半年,嫁了个老美 She divorced a year later and married an American another half a year later.
蕙兰跟济阳回国了,一年后离婚 Huilan went back to China with Jiyang, and they divorced too a year later.
两年后,吴玲生了个男孩,起了个名字叫“海归” Two years later, Wu Ling had a baby boy, who was named "Hai Gui"(Returnee).
生活的河按照它应该的样子,平静的流淌 Life is like a river, flowing as quietly as it is supposed to,
从昨天流向今天,从今天流向明天 from yesterday to today, from today to tomorrow.
这或许不是最好的结局,却是最真实的结局 This may not be the best ending, but certainly the most genuine one.
又或者,结局不一定非得是这个样子 An alternative way to view this is that the ending is not necessarily what it is now.
因为平行空间总在交替 Parallel spaces overlap with each other,
时间跟空间,其实都是选择的结果 so when and where we are both depend on our choice.
和了 I've won.
都倒了三铺了你还发万字 Her laid-down tiles have shown clear clues. How come you still discarded another "Wan" tile.
拆了将牌喂的,你也太有诚意了吧 You did this by breaking up pairs. You are really earnest.
这牌没法打了 The game can't go on like this.
不打就不打,小C我们玩别的去 It's just as well if we stop here. Xiao C, let's play something else.
别走啊,再玩两把 Don't leave. Play a couple of more rounds.
小猛,歌后,过来打牌,三缺一 Singer Queen, come and play Mahjong. We need only one more player.
杨大哥,玲姐,你们回国的事怎么样了 Brother Yang and Sister Ling. How are your return plans going?
海归的事情还得缓一缓 It's been delayed.
不是已经说好了么 Isn't it already settled?
我们觉得现在回去时机不对 We feel it is not the right time yet.
时机?时机通常是用来做借口吧 The right time? Just an excuse.
我想你没有搞清楚,我们归与不归都不需要什么借口 I don't think you understood. We don't need any excuse to return or to stay.
是吗,上次你不是说也受够了血汗工厂,怎么,变卦了? Really? Didn't you say you couldn't stand working for sweatshops anymore? And now have you changed your mind?
这里是我家,请你说话注意分寸 This is at my home. Please mind your words.
那你呢,你不是说搞环保国内更需要吗 Then what about you? Didn't you say China has a greater need for people to work on environmental protection?
可是很多事情不是我能改变的 There're lots of things I can't change.
我觉得,在这个世界上,只要你努力,没有什么不能改变的 But I believe as long as you try hard, there is nothing that you cannot change.
可是,理想不能当饭吃 But ideals can't bring bread.
那你还号称理想主义者,装的,都是装的 Then why do you claim yourself to be an idealist? You lied.
说够了没 That's enough!
陈济阳,你干的好事 Chen Jiyang, look at what you've done.
蕙兰,你误会了,你听我解释 Huilan. You misunderstood me. Let me explain.
我就知道你回国没干好事,你还敢跟我整小三 I know you did nothing good in China. You even dared to have an affair there.
我今天不整死你 I will beat you dead today.
王蕙兰,你平时撒泼我没说你,你今天给我丢脸丢到这来了 *** Yulan. I generally forgive you when you nag at me. But you shouldn't disgrace me here today.
我,我今天跟你一尸两命 I will die and take away two lives.
别拦着她 Leave her alone.
出了人命我扛着 I will take the blame if she dies.
我也不想啊,实在是国内的小姑娘太热情 I myself didn't want to have any affair either. But young women back in China were too passionate to resist.
你是不知道,回国这两个星期,体力都跟不上啊 You can't imagine how badly I was short of physical power in those two weeks.
那你打算怎么办 So how are you going to deal with the problem?
什么怎么办?凉拌 How? To calm off.
别看她现在闹的凶,过两天没事了 Although mad at me at this moment, she will be fine days later.
对,我正在送济阳回去 I'm driving Jiyang home.
什么?好,我们马上回去 What? Ok, we'll be back right away.
蕙兰出事了 Huilan had an accident.
玲姐,别太担心了,蕙兰不会有事的 Sister Ling. Don't worry. Huilan will be fine.
小C说的对,理想主义都是装的 Xiao C is right. Idealists all pretend to be idealistic.
小C的话你怎么能往心里去呢 You can't believe Xiao C's words.
他说的都是真话 What he said is all true.
玲姐,人活在世上,谁都有装的时候 Sister Ling. There is no man in the world that never pretends once in a while.
不然都跟小C一样了 Otherwise, all of us would be no different from Xiao C.
其实我这个人挺现实的 In fact I am quite a realistic person.
在国内工作的时候,别人塞给我的红包我都收了 While working in China, I accepted bribes when somebody gave me.
那些改了数据的报告我也签字了 I also signed on reports that contained forged data.
这次公司派我回去,也是因为能拿美国的工资 And this time I want to return to China simply because the company will pay salary in the American standard.
跟狗屁理想有什么关系 It has nothing to do with ideals.
那天你说你羡慕我 Although you said that day you envied me,
其实是我羡慕你才对,简单,直白 I in fact should envy you. You are simple and honest.
做人还是简单一点好,千万不要自己骗自己 It is better to be simple. Never be self-deceiving.
简单?自己骗自己? I, simple? And you, self-deceiving?
我爱上了一个人,一个结了婚的男人 I've fallen in love with a man who is already married.
那天他说要回国,我慌了 When that man told me he would return to China, I got into a panic
拼了命的想要留住他,还动了离婚的念头 and tried every means to ask him to stay in the U.S. I even thought of divorce.
刚才蕙兰骂小三的话,一句句象打在我的脸上 When Huilan blamed marriage intruders, I felt as if I had been hit hard in the face.
手术结束了 The surgery is done.
蕙兰挺可怜的,好不容易怀了一个孩子 Huilian is pitiful. It was not easy for her to conceive a baby.
今天要去见一个新的供货商 I am going to see a new supplier of cell phone batteries today.
最新的手机电池,它和iphone的电池可以互换 The same product can be used on both cell phones and iphones.
待机时间是iPhone的两倍,价格却只有30% Besides, its standby time is twice as long as regular iphone batteries, but costs only 30% of the latter.
我想通了,高科技才是王道 I now realize that high-tech means true power.
你知道吗,生产电池会产生大量的重金属污染 Do you know that battery production causes serious heavy-metal pollution?
所以现在的电池都是中国制造的 That's why all batteries are made in China.
哦,是吗 Oh, really?
杨子, 你看到这封信的时候,我已经在回国的飞机上了 My dear Yangzi, when you are reading this letter, I've already got on a fight bound for China.
真的要走了,才知道有多么舍不得 Only when I was really leaving, did I realize how much I would miss you.
记得当初,你问我为什么一定要出国 I still remember the day when you asked me why I came to the U.S.,
我说“道不行,乘桴浮于海” I said, “If my ambition cannot be realized on land, I will ride a boat and live on the sea.”
真怀念那个时候啊!为了理想,可以那么纯粹 I once had great passion for dreams and ideals,
这些年,被安逸的生活所累,本不该再奢谈什么理想 but in all these years I have been indulging myself in a life of ease and comfort.
可午夜梦回,想起那个叫祖国的地方 However, at midnight, when I woke up from dreams and thought of that distant place called homeland,
就像摸着心头一道无法愈合的伤口 I felt as if I was touching a cut that never heals.
小C大概是对的,理想不是用来装的 Xiao C was probably right when he said, "Ideals do not serve to help a person hide."
我已经装得太久了,不想一辈子装下去 I have been hiding for too long, and I don't want to go on like this for my entire life.
这几天我一直在想,我们之间到底是哪里出了错 I've been reflecting on our relationship these days, trying to figure out what had gone wrong.
是因为我太要强,太骄傲,还是因为我不够温柔? Have I been too domineering, or too arrogant, or not gentle enough?
真想当面问问你,可我怕自己不够坚强 I had wanted to ask you in person, but I was afraid of being not strong enough to hear your answer.
算了,也许我真的不是一个好妻子 Whatever the reason may be, it's probably true that I'm not a good wife.
请原谅我的不辞而别,我是怕你为难 Please forgive me leaving without saying good-bye. I did so for fear that you might be put in a dilemma.
你说过,是去是留,都不需要借口 You once said no excuse is needed either to return to China or to stay in the U.S.
夫妻一场,请别让我做你的借口 As your wife, I don't want myself to be one of your excuses.
要是你选择回国,应该能找到我 If you opt to return to China, you should be able to find me.
要是你选择留下,那就照顾好玉琴 If you decide to stay in the U.S., please take good care of Yuqin.
这里是吴宅,有事请留言 This is Wu's house, please leave a message.
妈,我是杨子 Mom. This is Yangzi.
再见,杨总 Bye, President Yang.
杨总,有什么事吗 Yes, President Yang?
蕙兰 Huilan
玉琴呢 Where is Yuqin?
她早跳槽了,你到她家里找吧 She has quit. Perhaps you can find her in her apartment.
找过了,她已经搬家了 I've been there, but she moved.
听说她老公过来了,是H4 I heard that her husband had come, on an H4 status.
是吗 Isn't it?
你们这些男人啊 Men like you.
再试试其他银行吧 Let's try some other banks.
这都第八家了 This is the eighth one already.
总会有办法的 There must be a way out.
老杨啊,不是我说丧气话 Lao Yang, I am not saying this out of frustration.
现在这形势,老美不找中国借钱就不错了 In the present situation, we should thank God as long as the U.S. does not borrow money from China,
我们在这里还想找老美借钱往中国投 but what we are doing here is to find Americans who are willing to invest in China.
那你说怎么办 Then you tell me what we can do.
该放手就放手吧,杨总 Let's give it up if we have to, President Yang.
玲玲还在等着我 But Lingling is waiting for me in China.
这怎么这么眼熟 This place looks familiar.
我结婚的地方 It is where my wedding was held.
蕙兰有消息吗 Is there any news about Huilan?
那国内的小姑娘呢 What happened to the girl in China?
她听说我没绿卡,跑了 She learned I didn't have a green card, so she left me.
杨大哥,济阳 Brother Yang, and Jiyang!
怎么,还在跑贷款,有结果了吗 Are you still looking for loans? Have you got any?
我觉得吧,这不是钱的问题,是你们的切入点不对 I think it is a problem with loans, but rather you aimed at the wrong target.
什么意思 What do you mean?
我问你们,搞风电最关键的是什么 Let me ask you. What is crucial to the success of a windmill?
设计都差不多,关键在管理和销售 There're no big differences in the design of the windmill. The keys to success are management and sales.
错了,我告诉你,关键是设计,尤其是叶片的设计 You are wrong. Let me tell you. The key lies in the design, especially the design of the blade.
现在国内的设计多抄国外的 More often than not, the Chinese models copy foreign ones
对风速、风向、旋流、逆扬、振颤和配重这些都很少考虑 ...and pay little attention to such factors as the wind speed, the wind direction, cyclones, and etc.
所以故障率高 That is why there has been a high incidence of accidents.
不要认为这就是个简单的大风车,这里面的学问啊,大着呢 Don't take the machine simply as a big windmill. It involves lots of technology instead. Lots of!
你怎么知道这么多 Where have you learned this?
没看我正做实验吗,我搞的就是流体力学 Didn't you see I was always in the lab? I major in fluid mechanics.
王总,这个留给您做个纪念 President ***, take this as a souvenir.
什么意思 For what?
希望你以后做生意的时候,多想想国内那些缺钱的工人 I hope you can think of those poor workers in China when you do business later on.
小杨,你知道你这叫什么吗? Xiao Yang, do you know what this kind of thoughts is called?
知道,小资产阶级的虚伪性 Yeah, “the hypocrisy of the petty bourgeoisie.”
怎么来的这么早 How come so early?
玉琴 Yuqin
杨总,好久不见。听说你要走,来送送 President Manager, I haven't seen you for a long time. I hear that you are leaving, so just drop by to say good-bye.
怎么家具都还在 You still have many furnitures.
已经托人办理了,你要看上什么随便拿 I've already asked someone to sell it for me. Take whatever you like.
不用了,我那地小 No, thanks. My apartment is too small to hold any.
真的不要? Are you sure you don't want anything?
想要的,你给不了 What I wanna have is something you can't give away.
你还好吗 How are you doing?
挺好的 Pretty well.
听说你老公过来了,替我向他问好吧 I heard that your husband had come. Say hello to him for me.
也替我向玲姐问好 Give my greetings to Sister Ling too.
好了,不耽误你收拾东西了 Well, then. I won't hold up your packing.
这个送给你,做个纪念 Here's something for you.
哎,那不是玉琴吗,怎么不过去打个招呼 Isn't that Yuqin there? Let's go over to say hello to her.
等等,观察一下 Wait. Let’s first see what's going on.
小C说过,时间跟空间,都是选择的结果 Xiao C once said the exact time and space a person is located in derives from his own choice.
既然选了,就好好珍惜吧 Since you've made a choice, you'd better hold it on and treasure it.
你也是 You too.
希望你跟我一样珍惜我们的回忆 I hope you will treasure our memories as much as I do.
真老套 We're talking in cliches.
都收拾好了? Everything packed up?
收拾好了,行李都在门厅呢 Yep, the luggage is in the hallway.
老杨,刚才 Lao Yang, just now...
刚才两只鸳鸯飞过去,挺好看的 Just now two love birds flew by. They looked nice in a pair.
刚才我查了 I checked a moment ago.
高科技海归人员创业基金第一笔钱已经到公司的帐上了 The initial amount of the Business Start-up Grant for High-tech Overseas Returnees has been paid to the company's account.
是吗,现在国内效率很高啊 Really? So the Chinese government agencies are very efficient now.
还不是都看我们小C的面子 Thanks to Xiao C's reputation.
象这种带着项目的高科技海归,到哪里不都得抢 Returnees with such high-tech projects are popular everywhere in China.
可不能再叫小C了,以后咱们得改口叫老板 We should call him "boss" instead of Xiao C later on.
老板好 How do you do, my boss?
还是叫小C吧,名字不过是个符号 Just continue to call me Xiao C. A name is just a label.
你看看人家这气质,这风范,贵而不骄,贤而能下,真君子也 Look how noble a character Xiao C has! We've got a real gentleman here!
还没回去,先练上了 You haven't returned to China yet. Is this a speech practice in advance?
适应性训练嘛 Yep, a practice to facilitate assimilation into the Chinese culture.
走吧 Let's go.
我最近听了一个笑话,说海归海归,都是视死如归 I heard a joke these days. It goes like this, "To return to China, one has to be brave enough to regard death as a return to home."