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twenty sixteen poll from quinnipiac says that contrary to the conventional wisdom
that hispanic
senator marco rubio would really help the republican party court their the
hispanic vote in twenty sixteen
hillary clinton
would crush rubio among hispanic voters i've got the numbers here the poll says
hillary clinton would be the overwhelming favor in twenty sixteen
if she chooses to run
in a hypothetical matter because new jersey governor chris christie
essentially the most popular republican right now
hillary clinton would leave it leads right now forty five to thirty seven
eight percentage points against wisconsin representative paul ryan weeds
fifty to thirty-eight twelve percentage points and
against margot groovy l
hillary quick clinton leads in this hypothetical uh... brace
fifty two thirty four percent by sixteen
percentage points now
the most interesting thing is when we look at the hispanic voters the poll
shows that hillary clinton is ahead of mark or ruby o sixty
two twenty four
this is considered
this demographic could be the future
demise or success of the republican party as we've talked about many times
the demographic shifts specifically the increase
hispanic voters as apportion of the electorate due to population changes
could be the end of the modern republican party the current republican
party as we know it
and marco to two people really are are hutu names are mentioned as far as who
could be the republican savior when it comes to hispanic voters marco rubio is
and jeb bush is the out when we talk a little bit about jeb bush yesterday
are you surprised by these numbers louis markle ruby oh just not really even
among hispanic voters down significantly to hillary clinton
i'm not surprised so i mean he stars in our next to his name right right
and we're talking about people who do traditionally vote democratic brightwell
that's the thing i'm not surprised at at the same time because we have to think
about what
no understand that hispanic voters have
shared language they have spanish language is something that is shared
between them but other the language
the various hispanic groups in many cases in most cases
have very little in common with cuban-americans very little in common
some came to the u_s_ landscape totalitarianism
some because of economic reasons others presentation mark or rubios right wing
talking points
his right wing point of view
are not going to appeal broadly two hispanics and remember cubans are the
only ones that have the wetfoot dr foot
uh... policy which allows any cuban that makes
landfall uh... to basically walk to the front of the immigration line so there's
there's actually a very little in common from cuban-americans and other hispanic
groups in town
what does the play devil's advocate could be that uh... hillary clinton just
has a lot more name recognition
among all americans including hispanics especially you know maybe all of the
over forty hispanics shirt so easily dated twenty two exactly a twenty-four
and i'm just saying that the red repeats the markle revealed even though we know
about them in a lot of people know about these national reconvening hillary
clinton is now in the world over
there's probably a lot of people just don't know about our having said that i
think what you say is accurate i think that a lot of uh... mexican americans
view this guy is not one of them
but i think that there's also just a more general thing which is what louis
others in our next his name i think that if herman cain was a candidate against
hillary clinton
i don't think more than fifty percent of african americans would vote for herman
cain so there's a party issues well yet yeah i think is a number of issues i
think he's basing that you know that because rubio is hispanic
hispanic voters will flock to him is what we're seeing to not be true
right but you can expect that the republican party not to try and things
like that i mean that's that's
that basically what they have to do
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